2012년 9월 25일 화요일

Nuclear VS Alternative Resources

People argue that Nuclear energy was touted as an unlimited panacea, destined to be so cheap the electric companies wouldn't even put meters on houses but since the Nuclear reactor disasters in Japan from the Tsunami, nuclear energy is limited. It looks similar to fossil fuel problems. For the first time, everything looks fine and good. The price of power was so cheap that they do not even meter it but This optimism and excitement was soon tarnished, however, as the hazards, environmental costs, and the dangers of what was released along with energy from inside the uranium atom became apparent. 


In spite of these problems, many people still believe that nuclear power is one of the key energy resources because alternative resources also have weak points. Since the alternative resources are too much depending on nature, it is limited. For example, wind energy needs huge lands and it can be used when there is wind. Small countries cannot provide lands. Solar power also cannot use at night and when weather is not sunny, cannot be used.
Both resources are limited and not perfect solution for the future energy. Therefore, they are more complementary relationship.


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